I have only loved and it's not a sin!

November 22 2011

Lost and broken, I was.
On that horrible and suffocating night,
I had decided to end up all my aches and worthless fight.
Sinking in tears, wishing to die.
Craving for a shoulder and a hug to feel home and cry. 
 I had met her before but I didn't know,
I had already sown seeds of love in her heart to grow.
She did care but I didn't notice.
While talking to her, I actually found peace.
Tears stopped and slowly the pain was going.
I fell asleep with neither bitterness nor cursing.
Next morning, I was in solace.
No more tears, no more aches.
We both were giggling and smiling like two little kids.
No one was being fake or hypocrite.
Innocence and love started growing more,
Neither of our hearts were sore.
she was knowing that I was falling for her.
I wasn't scared anymore to say, "I love you Reks"
Keeping my feelings only to me.
Denied everything that she wanted me to see.
At the end, I lost and love won.
Despite the distance, she feels that I am the only one.
she is a princess and I am one among st the ordinary guys,
she is so perfect that every pretty face twirls.
I have only loved and it's not a sin.

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