
October 4 2011
Promise 1
“Hey Beautiful…” he winked at her. She just couldn’t help smiling.
Those beautiful dimples of hers, behind that careless lock of hair caressing her face could make any guy fall in love. Siva was no exception.
“Do you love me?” she asked.
“More than my life, Sakthi…” he promised with a peck on her cheeks.


Promise 3

Time had moved on, and so had Siva.
“Hey Gorgeous…” he winked at her. She just couldn’t help smiling.
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” he hugged her tight.
She smiled shyly and asked him, “Do you love me?“
“More than my life, Aadhiti…” he promised with a peck on her cheeks.


Promise 2
It was 1 AM when the Doctor met Siva.
“We did everything we could, but the bleeding wouldn’t stop.“
“Sakthi was going to die.” he was told.
She held his hands, tears in her eyes, and made him promise.
He was going to love their new born more than his life.
They named her – Aadhiti

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