We are dangerous Kids!

March 24 2011

Disclaimer: CG (Child Guidance) reuired for reading this post
Some Kids can knock us down with their intellectual brilliance. Here are some conversations that prove this statement right

Pepsiboy : ( let me start from me ok!) - Age 9
Qns: What is the difference between Self confidence and Over confidence?
Ans : Self Confidence = I wet my bed, Over Confidence = Only I can wet my bed
Sudarshan : Age 9
Radium was discovered by Madman Curry.
Nicole : Age 6
Popular authors can win Pullet Surprise
Sruthi : Age 17
Beethoven had ten children; he practiced on a spinster in his attic
Ramesh : Age 8
Teacher: one plus one =2
Ramesh : One cow plus one apple = 2???
Senthil : (Age 9)
Antidote: The medicine that kills dotes.
Pranav : (Age 4) who is this Uncle?!
Myself : Hy Pranav I bought you fresh natural cookies allot and you ll really like it kiddo!
Pranav : Just I need only JEMS! don't try to impress me ok, got it!
Threetha : I wanna meet tom and jerry
Myself : Sure kiddo I ll take you to Disney world ok
Threetha : Why should't we invite them to our home ll they come?!
Myself : Oh Sure kiddo! (I need to be back with my fancy dress competition stuffs)
I promised Priya, that I would do her tag today. But I just came across this quote...

" Dont put off something for tomorrow, that you can do the day after"

- Pepsiboy

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