Mathematical Genius

November 13 2010

Disclaimer: Up on Adarsh request I write this post. This is an inspirational story about me,myself. If you finish reading this you would find the real meaning of your existence in this world.

Back in school, I used to be very bad with numbers. We were taught how to ADD two digits,through the "Finger folding technology ",adopted by my mathematics teacher. My nemesis in School,"Sudarshan", had six fingers in both his hands and thus had the extra advantage and he used to add faster than me. He even used latest cutting edge technologies to sharpen his pencils and thus was always a step ahead of me.

Days went by and I was in class XI (MCET Campus School). I had a mathematics teacher,"Mr. Mudali Appan". He developed a great liking on my compact Bum and he used to pamper my bum with "ruler scales, wooden dusters and cane sticks ". My mathematical skills were so great that I used to kneel down or mostly spend my time outside the class. He was so amazed with my skills with the numerical system, that he presented me with a Book written by Ramanujam and asked me to read it and improve my knowledge with the numbers.

I went home and started reading it and I came across a confusing solution given by Ramanujam for a simple problem. Check his solution here below:
Can U Prove 3=2??
This seems to be an anomaly or whatever u call in mathematics.
It seems, Ramanujam found it but never disclosed it during his life time
and that it has been found from his dairy.
See this illustration:
-6 = -6
9-15 = 4-10
adding 25/4 to both sides:
9-15+(25/4) = 4-10+(25/4 )
Changing the order
9+(25/4)-15 = 4+(25/4)-10
(this is just like : a square + b square - two a b = (a-b)square. )
Here a = 3, b=5/2 for L.H.S and a =2, b=5/2 for R.H.S.
So it can be expressed as follows:
(3-5/2)(3-5/ 2) = (2-5/2)(2-5/ 2)
Taking positive square root on both sides:
3 - 5/2 = 2 - 5/2
3 = 2
The brilliant mathematician who lives within me got infuriated on seeing such a confusing solution for an equation that could have been solved very easily. That night I thought of an alternate solution, and in no time I had the solution to the same problem.
Next day I went to school, Second period bell rang and Mr. Mudali appan came to take the Maths class. Its a combined class for both A and B section students. Where B section is full of girls and all my girl friends Brindha, Kalpana, Rafia, Anupriya, Vishalakshi was sitting in the first row. I announced to every one that I could prove Ramanujam is wrong. "Mr.Mudali appan" did not show any interest. Instead he took his cane to pamper my bum. But who cares!, because I very well knew that I would be the one who would have the last laugh. I saw everyone got tensed because how this nut is going to solve the problem, if I didn't solved the problem. Its a big shame to everyone in my class. I went to the black board(with one hand in my left pocket; a true demonstration of a professional walk")and started solving the problem
To prove
Multiplying both sides by zero=>
Hence proved.
After effects
1. My bum was pampered to glory.
2. I never had to attend any more of Mr.Mudali appan's classes.
3. Girls stopped talking with me forever.

Tips for +1 students (Nivedha note it carefully) how to solve tough problems easily.
here goes.....

1 comment:

Sruthi said...

boss,now a days your every post is making me rotfl,literally!